Kingdoms: Origins

The Kingdom of Cadia…
That’s where it all began.
A beautiful and peaceful place, full of various races, a world of magic and fantasy.
The Kingdom of Cadia was ruled by Queen Cadia. Who stood for equality among races and peace above all.
But when there are those who want peace, there are those who want the opposite.

Those who seek power and might above all.
If what takes someone to protect something above all is love…
What does it take for someone to lose it all?

Kingdoms: Origins is VN in progress where you play as…(Insert Name Here) – (Default Name: Kenji). An individual with a complex past, and even more complex future!

Developer: M.C Games – Patreon | Discord
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Animated, Male protagonist, Vaginal sex, Fantasy, Incest, Milf, Creampie, Blowjob

1. Extract and run.


-EP 3 start.
-Few characters went through some adjusting again.

Rating: 3.1/5. From 94 votes.
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