Frequently Asked Questions
Download Options
Are the download links safe?
Yes, the download links are safe. Most of them are provided directly by the developers themselves. But the majority of the download links are uploaded to third-party file hosting services or stores so it’s advised to be mindful when downloading.
A download link does not work. What should I do?
Use the “Report Link” button which you can find at the end of every page. Specify what exactly is the problem with the link and for which platform you are referring. Comments on this topic will get flagged as spam!
What does "DOWNLOAD (Mirror)" mean?
It means that the featured content was uploaded to several file hosting services and the “Mirror” download link is one of them. It’s included in case there’s a problem with the primary link. There isn’t any difference between them in terms of content so choose the one that works best for you.
What does "DOWNLOAD (Compressed)" mean?
A compressed version is the same as a regular one but the image quality is reduced in favor of overall size. So if you wish to save a few megabytes of data – choose the compressed version, otherwise go with the regular one.
What does "DOWNLOAD CG" mean?
3DCG or just CG is a download option just for the images form the game without the game files themselves. You don’t need them in order to play the game. Download them only if you wish to browse the images without playing the game itself.
What does "DOWNLOAD Banana" mean?
A “Banana” on our site refers to that thing which name shall not be spoken. It is used to download data via peer-to-peer connection. To do so you’ll need a client app. We recommend the free and open source qBit.
What does "DOWNLOAD AIO" mean?
“AIO” is a abbreviation that stand for “All In One”. This means that the download link contain versions for all available platforms (and you just need to choose which one you want) or to a version that is compatible with several platforms.
Is there a version available for different platform and can you upload it?
If there is no available link for a certain platform – than no there isn’t. Please check the provided information and read what it says on the download buttons before asking in the comments section. Such comments will be flagged as spam!
Is there a new version available and can you upload it?
If there is a new version available it will be uploaded as soon as possible. You can also use the “Report Link” button which you can find at the end of every page to notify our moderators about a new release. Comments asking for a new version might get flagged as spam!
I can't see any download options. What to do?
Your Ad-Blocker, browser extensions or options might be breaking the proper rendering of the webpage. Ad-Blockers and other similar solutions, including some browser options, are sometimes very aggressive and are well known to cause problems with website loading and rendering. Try disabling the said features.
The Website
Why did my comment disappear?
There are a couple of reasons why this may occur:
- You refreshed the page/lost connection before the comment was registered.
- Your comment was registered but you’re seeing a cached version of the webpage.
- Your comment was duplicated.
- Your comment was flagged by other users too many times and it’s awaiting moderation.
- Your comment was no longer relevant to the current version of the game. Such comments may be deleted in order to keep the comment section clean and in order.
- Your comment was not relevant to the featured content.
- Your comment contains hyperlinks and it’s awaiting moderation.
- Your question was answered in this F.A.Q., therefore it was considered spam.
- Your comment was actual spam.
- Your comment was offensive or discouraging towards other users or the developers.
- Your comment was written in a language different than English.
- Your comment contains common spam words or phrases and it’s awaiting moderation.
- Your comment express common spam (bot) features.
- Your device, used to post the comment (including the browser), express common security vulnerabilities and/or was compromised.
Why can't I see images and/or leave comments?
There are a couple of reasons why this may occur:
- There’s a problem with your browser. Try updating it to the latest version and deleting the cached data and cookies. If the problem persists try using a different web browser or device to double check everything.
- Your Ad-Blocker, browser extensions or options are breaking the proper loading of the webpage. Ad-Blockers and other similar solutions, including some browser options, are sometimes very aggressive and are well known to cause problems with website loading and rendering. Try disabling the said features.
- If your ISP is providing you with dynamic IP address that was used in the past for malicious activities. There’s a chance your IP address is blacklisted. Try disconnecting and reconnecting to the Internet or wait a few hours so a new IP address is assigned to you. This also applies to VPN usage as well.
I’m a Webmaster
I'm a webmaster and I think our websites might benefit from one-another. Is there a way we could negotiate a mutually beneficial partnership?
We would be happy to! Just contact us using our Contact Form or via email at [email protected] and we’ll discuss the details.
Downloaded Content
How to open the archive after I've downloaded it?
Most downloads will be in .rar or .zip format. We recommend using WinRAR or similar application to extract the archive. In very rare occasions an archive might consist of several parts. In those cases you have to make sure all parts are in the same directory and start the extraction process only on the first part.
An error occurred during extraction! What to do?
Try extracting using a different application. Make sure you’re logged in as an administrator on your system. If it’s a several part archive make sure all parts are in the same directory and if asked during extraction point to the next part. You can also temporarily disable your antivirus protection but we do not recommend this so do it at your own risk. If the problem persists then search for a solution on the web or just wait for a different release.
An error occurred when I try to start the game! What to do?
Make sure you’re logged in as an administrator on your system. You can also temporarily disable your antivirus protection but we do not recommend this so do it at your own risk. Remember that some RPGM games require RPGM RTP in order to run. Also make sure your system is up to date along with your drivers. If the problem persists then search for a solution on the web or just wait for a different release.
My antivirus flags the downloaded content as malicious! What to do?
Most of the time such reports are false positives. You can manually whitelist the downloaded file(s) or disable your security application. We don’t recommend doing this if you’re not 100% sure of the file(s)’ legitimacy.
How do I open the console on Ren'Py games and use cheats?
In game press Shift+O and the console will open. Then just use the provided commands to alter certain variables.
If the console does not open try again and check if you’re doing everything correctly. If it still does not open then you may have to activate the Ren’Py debug console manually.
- Navigate to: \GameName\renpy\common
- Locate 00console.rpy
- Edit it with a text editor. We recommend Notepad++.
- Go to line 97
- Alter config.console = False to config.console = True (Remember that capital T is important!)
- Go back into the game and press Shift+O.
I’m a Developer
I'm a developer and would like my game to be published on FAP-Nation. What should I do?
Just use our Submission Form. There are many developers just like you that want their work to reach more people through our website. This way they and their games become more popular and a lot of our users pledge their support for things they like on Patreon and other platforms.
I'm a developer and I saw my game on your website. I don't mind it but would like you to change some of the information. Can you do that for me?
Yes! Just send us what you want to be included, removed or edited using our Contact Form or via email at [email protected] and it will be done.
I'm a developer and I saw my game on your website. I want you to remove all or a certain content that is made by me. What should I do?
We understand. If you don’t want your work to be featured on our website then contact us using our Contact Form or via email at [email protected] and we’ll take it down. Keep in mind that this way you and your game may lose a lot of publicity.