Submit a Game


By using the form below you can submit your game to FAP-Nation for publication. After a review of the provided information our moderators will compile it into a page and your game will be publicly available on FAP-Nation.

If your game is already published and available on FAP-Nation and just wish to update it, you can send any new information here.

Post Submit
Enter the game title exactly as you want it to appear on the public game page.
Enter the current game version exactly as you want it to appear on the public game page.
Enter the developer/publisher/studio name exactly as you want it to appear on the public game page.
Describe the game to the audience - story, characters, gameplay, features, etc. Please check for spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes as well as the text structure in general. This description is the first impression your game will make on the user.
List the developer/publisher/studio social media and other web pages like Patreon, Itch, Twitter, Website, etc. They will be included with the rest of the information on the game page. Paste one link per row.
Is the game censored?
Censorship in the meaning of hiding certain body parts in some scenes by blurring, pixelating, etc.
What OS does the game support?
Mark all operating systems that support and can run the game.
Select Game Engine:
Separate by comma if more than one.
Describe the genre of the game with short generally accepted terms (Teen, BDSM, NTR, etc.). They will be used as tags for the game page. Separate each term by comma.
Provide detailed installation instructions.
Provide detailed changelog for the current version of the game.
Provide images for the game page. A featured image used for thumbnail is required (min. width of 1024px). Banner image and images from the game (up to 8) are optional but recommended. The banner image is used for header background of the game page (recommended 1480x375 or similar dimensions). Paste links to the images here. One link per row.
Provide download links. One link per supported platform is required. Mirror links are optional but recommended. Paste the download links here. One link per row. Recommended file hosting services are: Mega, Workupload, GoFile or any other free and fast file sharing provider. Direct download links are also accepted.
Include dev notes, walkthrough/wiki link, cheats and/or console commands, incest/taboo patch (if available and needed) or anything else you can think of and wish to be present on the game page.
The provided email address will be stored securely and used for communication only.

By submitting any information with the form above:

  1. You acknowledge the fact that it will be used by FAP-Nation and some parts of it will be presented publicly on the website.
  2. You agree with the Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer, Legal Terms and Privacy Policy of FAP-Nation.
  3. You confirm that you’re the author and/or copyright owner of the provided content.

For any other questions, please contact us via email at [email protected] or using our Contact Form.