Noblesse Oblige: Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings

Noblesse Oblige: Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings is an epic high fantasy ruler RPG being built in an episodic format. As a solo developer, I strive to deliver a game of the highest quality, the kind I’ve always wanted to play myself, with innovative turn-based combat, a richly developed world, memorable characters, romance, and an in-depth story.

I call Noblesse Oblige a ruler RPG because it combines exploration and turn-based RPG combat using a core party with aspects of rulership, including kingdom management elements, castle customization, and important story decisions that have long-term consequences.

At present, new chapters of the game are released every 2-3 months. Old save compatibility with new versions is always maintained, so you can always pick up where you left off when a new version releases.


About the Game

What does it mean to be nobility? Is it no more than an inherited title, or does it hold some greater meaning? To some, nobility is not merely a station to be held, but an obligation to be met, and yet… Can such convictions hold firm in the face of intrigue, betrayal, and overwhelming odds?

Noblesse Oblige: Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings tells the story of Alexander, an idealistic yet pragmatic nobleman, and his companions. They will have need of cunning and conviction in equal measure, if they are to navigate the intricacies of politics, intrigue, ruling, and love amidst a tempestuous civil war. Kingdoms dance upon the stage set by those who rule them, and upon this one shall play out a war born from the confluence of three unyielding wills…

Upon his return from studying in a distant land, Alexander’s birthright has been stolen and his lands thrown into chaos. Faced with this betrayal and the sudden loss of all that he has spent his life preparing for, he must take up the sword and retake what is his. But a true ruler does not—cannot—live by the sword alone, not if he seeks to create something that can endure. No, victory in battle may be essential, but true triumph comes in subtler ways: to claim a lasting, meaningful victory, Alexander must not merely crush or outwit his enemies, but also navigate the labyrinthine politics of court, inspire his people… and perhaps find love for himself amidst it all.

To some, the obligations of a lord are but a burden; to others, a farce. Yet to one like Alexander, who is possessed of the conviction to embrace his obligations, naught could bring greater satisfaction that using his power for good. Beneath the banner of such a lord gather allies, both those drawn by the flame of his will and those who have been touched by the light of his actions. Along the narrow path to victory, Alexander will gather a group of loyal companions—lovers, friends, rivals, allies, even those who were once his enemies, each with unique personalities and skills. Together with them, he will delve into the dark places of the world, traverse mountains, fight great battles… and perhaps most of all, struggle against those most terrible of shadows—those that lurk in the hearts of men, wrought by greed, hatred, envy, and sometimes lust.

But it is in deepest darkness that light can shine the brightest. Will you join Alexander on his journey to change the world for the better?



In Noblesse Oblige, every character is unique, with his or her own opinions, personality, and reasons for joining the party. Every party member has loyalty, driven by their opinions of choices made and paths taken; increasing loyalty unlocks powerful skill upgrades and extra story content for that character. In addition to their unique perspectives on the story, each of Alexander’s companions brings unique mechanics into battle. These include not only a wide variety of skills and playstyles, but also unique passive effects that shape how they approach combat. Combat in Noblesse Oblige is a novel take on the traditional turn-based RPG, one intended to promote skill and judicious use of abilities, rather than merely managing attrition or spamming generic attacks.

Beyond the battlefield, a lord must rule his realm. To see this done, Alexander must carefully build and manage key factors like Popular Support, Noble Support, Economic Status, Army Size, and Army Quality, factors that will have important impacts as the game proceeds. In addition, key choices may serve to shape the path ahead: with whom to ally, who is most worthy of holding strategic lands, or what faith the realm should follow in the days ahead. These choices, though few, will have a lasting impact upon the story.

But ruling the realm is not without its perks. Any lord of any importance has need of a castle, and that castle should reflect its lord’s desires. Accordingly, Noblesse Oblige features a system allowing for extensive castle customization.

Join Alexander on his journey. Gather loyal companions, explore exotic lands, and rule the battlefield. Bring justice to the realm, and remind the world that good needn’t mean weak, naïve, or ineffectual, nor need pragmatic mean amoral. Yet through it all, dare not forget: a ruler’s first duty is to his people, and a Prince’s promises must ever be upheld, lest they lose all meaning.

Noblesse Oblige: Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings Trailer

Developer: Lord Forte Games – Patreon | Website | Itch | Steam | Discord | Bluesky | YouTube |
Censored: No
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre: 2D game, Text based, Male protagonist, Fantasy, RPG, Romance, Adventure, Turn based combat, Virgin, Vaginal sex, Oral sex, Harem

1. Extract and run.
2. You will have to also install the Adult Content Patch to enable sex scenes.

Adult Content Patch Installation:
To install, download the file below, Settings.txt, and place it in the folder PatchData within your installation of Noblesse Oblige. Important note: If installing the patch after having started a save, you will need to enable adult content using the system menu. 

If using the Steam version, the game’s folder can be found in your Steam install folder (by default, found at C -> Program Files (x86) -> Steam) -> steamapps -> common -> Noblesse Oblige – Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings ). Otherwise, PatchData is a subfolder of the game installation wherever you extracted the game. The above version of Settings.txt should overwrite the copy of Settings.txt that already exists in your PatchData folder.

If you have enabled adult content in your save, this will carry over to new versions even without re-installing the patch, though you will need to reinstall the patch on a new version if you wish to disable adult content. 


– 104k(!) words of content.

– Significant new section of the story.

– New partial Castle Kharos iteration.

– New combat sections.

– Major optional side section for some routes (those with Somnus who kept Tychus for interrogation).

– Five new achievements for those playing on Steam.

– New level up skills available for several party members!

– Three new loyalty skills (Ariadne 75, Ligaea 75, Somnus 50).

– One new throne room scene (Cynthia).

– New Ariadne art! Ariadne’s outfit has been redone by Mimo! I’m very happy with the results of this. A patch to use the old outfit may be added in the menu at a later time.

– New bust art cut-ins for “ultimate” skills such as Wildfire and Power Shot!

– Door customization for the doors in the throne room at Castle Kharos have been added!

– Graphical rework of Avalonia! This includes redone mapping and a new Alcinian Sanctum in Avalonia. Several other early game maps have also been improved!

= Balance Changes

  • Adjusted the damage of Ariadne’s Burning to scale less strongly with level.
  • Adjusted Wildfire damage to be reduced slightly more by mdf.
  • Lorena’s Swift Slash now deals more damage and will have a guaranteed follow-up during Holy Avenger.
  • Swift Slash becomes Chilling Slash under Radiance, which deals less damage but now has a higher Skill rate. Chilling Slash will be learned on the version transition, or on fighting one battle.
  • Howling Slash’s follow-up now hits the main target if facing a single enemy.

= UI Improvements

  • Expanded skill selection box and reworked party UI in battle. Character’s expression changes from buffs or low HP should now more visible.
  • Added a turn counter to combat.
  • Added icons and colored text to passive effects to improve readability.
  • Sir Leonidas and the honor guard now have custom sprites if the proposal “Elite Honor Guard” was invested in and completed.
  • Added a KOed sprite for Lorena, used during the first two meetings.

= Bugfixes

  • Corrected the description of Unrelenting to properly indicate that it restores 30 TP rather than 40 TP.
  • Fixed a bug that caused enemies who attack multiple times a turn to do nothing when affected by Enthrall or Beguile.
  • Added Theseus loyalty changes for the decision to kill/imprison Tychus. These are applied retroactively.
  • Added a fallback to autosave to prevent the game from hanging on a failure to autosave correctly.
  • Barrage or other instant skills no longer consume Ligaea’s Confidence.
  • Echo of Light and other instant skills no longer consume Calysia’s Full Moon.
  • Howling Slash’s cooldown is now 3 rounds as per the description (was 4).
  • Potions are no longer incorrectly classified as Key Items, no matter how much you hoard them. =P
  • Various typo reports and fixes to old content (thanks to everyone who reported).
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