Renestra is an Adult Action RPG set in a magical land filled with beatiful elves, fearsome beastlings, enchanting fairies and other arcane beings, where you assume the role of Filion, a young elf trying to make his way into the world. Throughout your adventures you will find a varied cast of characters you can talk to, help out and, with some, even form a deeper bond.
As you set out on your journey, you will eventually have to wade through elven high society and uncover the mischievous plot of the royal elites.
New Character – Elora
New Areas – Elora’s House, Elora’s Library
New Quests
New Cinematic sequence for Elora
New Story Cutscene
New prologue sequence
Added a compass and a new quest indicator to better orient the player
Improved existing interactable cutscenes – more fluid and enticing motions, better overall sound and more transitions between poses
Various bugfixes and performance improvements