In the not-so-distant future, in the year 2025, humanity finds itself embroiled in a devastating intergalactic war that began precisely on Earth. An unexpected collision between alien forces has turned the planet into a brutal battlefield, where the population has been decimated in a matter of weeks. Cities that were once teeming with life are now burning ruins.
In the midst of this chaos, the protagonist of the game The Dynasty struggles to survive in a remote refuge, together with his old sister and his mother. The loss of his father in the first offensives is still an open wound, a constant reminder that the world will never be the same. The refuge in the countryside seems safe, but the peace is fragile, and the reality of war is always lurking, threatening to destroy what little is left.
The protagonist, who until then had just been trying to survive, begins to realise that his destiny is about to change irreversibly. Mysterious signs, unexpected encounters and secrets from his family’s past begin to emerge, suggesting that he may be the key to something much bigger than he imagined. In a world where alliances crumble into dust and hope is a scarce resource, he will have to make choices that will not only define his own life, but the future of the Earth itself.
Now, with his eyes turned skywards, he wonders: what really triggered this war? And, more importantly, what role will he play in the fate of humanity?
Developer: JRBGames – Patreon |
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Anal Sex, BDSM, Footjob, MILF, Oral, Romance, Titfuck, Incest, Mom and Son, Point and clicker, Blackmail, Adventuure, Blowjob, Handjob
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